Friday, March 22, 2013

Observing the Dance of the Five Elements Within a Project

The smell of Big Plans and Big Projects is in the air with the coming of Spring.

 With the thought of some friends of mine who are embarking on Earth Changing Ventures, I write my first real Blog to share a little bit of Eastern thought on the inner workings and subtle energies that surround any endeavor.

 The enthusiasm that gets a project off the ground can get lost in the details as it gets underway, making it hard to see the venture come to fruition. The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Five Element Theory provides a simple yet profound guide to seeing a project from start to finish. Using the Five Elements at work gives a means to harmonize with all involved in the endeavor. Everyone has natural tendencies towards certain elemental expressions. For example, some people are naturally good organizers or good with numbers. That same person may get totally stressed out when a co-worker comes up with yet another great idea on how something could be done. Awareness of which elements are being expressed can reduce conflicts and help individual talents shine.  Great managers are able to maximize people's strengths and minimize their weakness in order to keep things flowing as smoothly as possible.

The most common diagram of the Five Elements (Wu-Xing in Chinese) is the cyclical pattern seen below. Here the outside circle shows the energy flowing from one element into the next in an endless cycle like the seasons of the year. The internal arrows show how the Elements balance each other so that no single energy over powers another.

An older form of the Wu-Xing is the Daoist model that you see here to the right, holds Earth as the Center. Both models are very useful, just different ways of looking at the subtle flow of energy.
For this discussion we will focus on the Earth Centered Wu-Xing, with the Earth being our grounding and centering Force as we navigate through the stages of our Project. We will refer back to the cyclical model for a clearer understanding of the balancing or controlling forces of the elements later. As you read the following information, note that the related expression of each of the elements is capitalized.

As the Infinite Potential takes the form of a thought in your mind the Dance of the Wu-Xing is set in motion...

With the spark of the inspiration, the subtle energy of the Universe moves into a more concrete form as the Idea is conceived. The Earth Element energy Feeds this new Idea in the womb of conscious thought. Earth's true nature is to Nurture, however, like any parent it must selflessly let go when the time comes to birth this Idea so it can express itself in the world of form.
At this stage the Growing Vision of the Idea surfaces to take form as the Wood(Tree) Element. With the Wood Element you can feel the Energy growing as the Visioning process is fully under way. One easily Sees the many possibilities... write them down to get a clear picture of where the Idea is headed!
As we are called to Action by the Fire Element, the enthusiasm of the new venture brings more energy. Fire naturally attracts those who are willing to contribute their energy to help, literally feeding off the excitement you exude. Take the time to thoughtfully gather the Energy that will see it through.
 "Wait a minute!", says the Metal Element. "You can't go into this all willy nilly!  How much is this going to cost?" Still talking while following you with a ledger and a calculator, Metal continues, "How much time will it take? What materials are you going to need?" The Metal Element calls us to set clear parameters for our Project.  Answer these questions at this stage of the game and Metal will provide firm support to the project structure and fewer surprises later on. 
At this point a powerful force in nature... the Water Element gives us the Courage to push through the "What if's" and worries about being able to accomplish your goal. Water can move mountains, call on its energy to conquer any fears that may be holding you back from moving forward on this journey. Address any limiting beliefs then step into the stream...
At this phase of our Project we come back to the Ever Present Earth Element as it holds the Space for the Thousand Things to arise. It asks us to return again and again to the Moment so as not to get carried away by the Thousand Things as the project unfolds. During this stage the Wood Element is in full bloom, with the Planning of each step of the Project. The most Artistic of the Elements, allow it room to Grow. The expanding Tree (Wood) energy is the fuel for the fire within. Fire Energy will provide open Communication among the people involved and  to the powers that be. Warm and sincere, with a Joyful presence, Fire can melt the Heart of even the most stern of official. "You catch more flies with Honey", Fire says in a disarming Southern accent.
Of course there are the Details. Metal LOVES details.  For any venture to work you must have the funding to support, the permits, the blue prints, etc. Let the Metal person handle it. They will gladly tackle any situation that arises quickly and Efficiently. Metal also reminds us to Breathe through any bumps in the road. Nothing ever moves along as originally planned, draw from the depths of Stillness (yes, rest) and Contemplation that the Water Element offers to allow you to conserve your energy. Much like the stillness in Winter that stores the energy for vibrant life to return in the Spring.
So far, we have focused on the forward movement of the Phases of the Five Elements. Let's take a moment to look at the built in mechanism for maintaining harmony within an organization. As Earth will remind us, its All about Balance...
Looking at the Cyclical pattern of the Five Elements above, the arrows inside refer to the Controlling or balancing phase of the elements.  Managing the energies involved in such an endeavor can be tricky, but very interesting as you observe them interact.
 It takes the Fire to Melt the Metal to keep Metal from becoming too Controlling.  Metal trims the Trees(Wood) so it is possible to See the Forest through the Trees. It takes the Trees to hold back erosion of the Earth Energy so that  Earth does not give too much of itself. The Earth provides the space for Water, keeping doubts and anxiety at bay. Water cools the flames of Fire so that the candle doesn't burn at both ends keeping you from your target. Being aware as these subtle energies arise, will  give you the tools to manage any project with grace and ease.
As you wrap up the Final Stages of this endeavor take a moment to step back and view the big picture of what has been accomplished. This final expression of the elements invites you to Rest (Water) in the Sacred Awareness (Metal) of the Joy (Fire) that the Vision (Wood) is Complete (Earth). With this, the Energies dissolve into themselves and return to their original form of Infinite Potential as a thought of Gratitude is sent back to Source.
  Take time observe the Dance of the Five Elements in every aspect of your life. The internal and external expression of the Five Elements gets easier to see with practice. Sometimes it will give you pause,  as in seeing someone lash out in anger over something not going the way they had envisioned. Sometimes it will just make you smile, observing a child grab everything in sight, exploring this amazing world.
The information I just provided only scratches the surface of the many ways to observe the Dance of the Wu-Xing. I invite you to share your comments and this blog if it speaks to you.  If you would like to learn more about how to make use of the Five Elements within you life I recommend reading, Mastering the 5-Elements, by Tanya Storch & Jeff Primack. It is available by following this Link. 
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5111 Central Ave.
St. Petersburg, Fl 33710
Copyright 2013 - Five Rings Wellness Center,  Shannon Reissman, LMT, PA