Friday, March 21, 2014

Spring... Time to plant some seeds.

"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap,
but by the seeds that you plant."
 -Robert Louis Stevenson

Finally! Spring is here and the air is filled with palpable buzz of energy as we move away from Winter's necessary time of resting and storing our energies. In these first days of Spring we are called to prepare the ground for the expansive growth that lies within. Over the next week take the time to plant some seeds both literally and figuratively.

The Wood (Tree) Phase of the Wu-Xing (Five Phases of Tradition Chinese Philosophy) governs the Creative Process.  Planning and visualizing energies are activated now and tasks that seemed daunting a few weeks ago, now seem possible. Our vision is clear and the possibilities are endless! So write it down... Now! I know that sounds harsh but it is very easy for the energy of the Tree (Wood) Phase to get carried off with all of these great ideas and not stay grounded enough to complete the task. Those of you with strong Tree (Wood Element) influences know who you are! Dreaming, planning, creating is your Nature, but organization, discipline and completing things...not so much, right?! So, for now, let those creative juices flow, get the ideas out of your head and out into the world where they can come to life.

It is important for Tree to bring in friends or colleagues that have tendencies toward the other Four Phases Energy to provide balance to your vision. At the very least, find ways to incorporate the other elements into the process. Allow Earth's energy to ground you and keep you in the present. Bring in the discipline of Metal Element to remain focused on what it is that you would like to see happen.  Water, the Mother of Wood, will feed your spirit and allow things to flow smoothly. Utilize Fire's energy to stoke the flames that keep you energized to see your plans to fruition. It is in the harmony of the Five Phases that makes things work, when any are out of balance and one is more prominent or weaker than the others is when things fall apart or plans become scattered.

Wu-Xing or Five Phases
"Spring is the time of plans and projects." - Leo Tolstoy

Regardless of what those plans and projects are, Now is the time to prepare the garden and plant the seeds that will grow in the coming months. If you have a project or business that has been a stagnant, utilize Wood's energy to bring new life and vision to your endeavor. Maybe it's time to let those in a position to assist in your vision know about the ideas you may have held quiet that are now ready to start germinating. Take the time now to let your creativity flow, plan, visualize, so you have clarity when the time comes to Spring into action.

I look forward to reading about your dreams and plans in the coming week. Please share and leave a comment, let's watch as the seed grows into a Tree. You can also follow us on Facebook or on our website
 Many Blessings,

 If you would like more information on how to utilize the Five Phases in your daily life, check out "Master the 5-Elements" by Prof. Tonya Storch and Qigong Practitioner Jeff Primack.


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